have proved to be unenforceable."..."It isn't found only in big cities, but everywhore, in every small community." "75% of the males in California with early infectious syphilis have acquired it from other males."..."The only places in Europe where ordinary homosexuality is a crime is Communist Russia, West Germany and Great Britain." "... "Plenty of male homosexuals are broad shouldered, strong and the epitome of masculinity."

Rabbi Fine: "It is my interpretation of Judaism that hosexual practice is still held to be immoral, but moral problem that it is, we should regard and treat it as a psychological illness rather than a crime."

Bishop Pike: "A homosexual is like anyone else with an illness and should be cared for as such, with love and concern and interest; not casting them aside, not labolling them as evil..."

Harold Call, president of the Mattachine Society: "By and large, if these laws were changed, we might find that the homosexual is no different from anyone else except perhaps in his choice of an object of his love."

The program ended with the narrator saying, "Perhaps, with more facts and more arguments, will come the beginnings of understanding."

Transcripts of the program ($1 per copy) are available at KQED, 525-4th St., San Francisco, California.

65 Freed in 'Gay Bar Case

Charges were dismissed against all but six of 71 persons who were scheduled for a "mass" trial before a jury as defendants in the Tay-Bush Restaurant "gay" raid reported in the September LADDER. The 65 dismissed, including 9 women, received a stern warning from San Francisco Municipal Judge Raymond J. O'Connor. Their discharge was granted on a motion by Deputy District Attorney Al Wollenberg, Jr., after the owner of the bar, Bob Johnson, had pleaded guilty to charges of running disorderly house and permitting dancing in unlicensed premises.